UIL Sightreading for Choir
RBC Publications is proud to collaborate with University Interscholastic League to provide musical pieces for the sightreading portion of UIL’s assessment. These pieces work perfectly for practicing sight reading with your ensemble when preparing for future assessment.
Want to Search by Year?
Type in the search field to the right UILCH plus the last two digits of the year (ex. 2022 = UILCH22), then click the search button.
SAB Choir
A Bird Came Down (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Demon in My View (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Garden (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Golden Day (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Green Cornfield (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Prayer in Spring (SAB)
$2.00 -
A Walk Outside (SAB)
$2.00 -
After the Winter (SAB)
$2.00 -
At the Seaside (SAB)
$2.00 -
Awake! Awake! (SAB)
$2.00 -
Called to Rise (SAB)
$2.00 -
Counting Sheep (S(A)B)
$2.00 -
Daybreak (SAB)
$2.00 -
Edenhall (SAB Level 3)
$2.00 -
Evening (SAB)
$2.00 -
Fall, Leaves, Fall (SAB)
$2.00 -
Flow Gently (SAB)
$2.00 -
Foreign Lands (SAB)
$2.00 -
Goodbye Summer (SAB)
$2.00 -
Hope (SAB)
$2.00 -
I Remember (SAB)
$2.00 -
I’m Weary Waiting (SAB)
$2.00 -
If All the Skies (SAB)
$2.00 -
In Flanders Field (SAB)
$2.00 -
Madrigal (SAB)
$2.00 -
Midnight Clear (SAB)
$2.00 -
Mr. Nobody (SAB)
$2.00 -
Music Ev’rywhere (SAB)
$2.00 -
My Doves (SAB)
$2.00 -
My Shadow (SAB)
$2.00 -
Night (SAB)
$2.00 -
Norse Lullaby (SAB)
$2.00 -
O Mistress Mine (SAB)
$2.00 -
Oh, El Paso (SAB)
$2.00 -
Our Hero (SAB)
$2.25 -
September (SAB)
$2.00 -
Star Thought (SAB)
$2.00 -
Still (SAB Level 5)
$2.00 -
The Ferryman (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Frost King (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Journey (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Land of Nod (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Rain Falls (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Rose (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Rose (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Sky is Low (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Snow-Man (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Splender Falls (SAB)
$2.00 -
The Swing (SAB Level 1)
$2.00 -
The Tyger (SAB)
$2.00 -
To Phoebe (SAB)
$2.00 -
Up Hill (SAB)
$2.00 -
Ye Flowery Banks (SAB)
SATB Choir
A Bird Came Down (SATB)
$2.00 -
A Garden (SATB)
$2.00 -
A Golden Day (SATB)
$2.00 -
A Green Cornfield (SATB)
$2.00 -
After the Winter (SATB)
$2.00 -
At the Seaside (SATB)
$2.00 -
Awake! Awake! (SATB)
$2.00 -
Called to Rise (SATB)
$2.00 -
Daybreak (SATB)
$2.00 -
Edenhall (SATB Level 3)
$2.00 -
Evening (SATB)
$2.00 -
Flow Gently (SATB)
$2.00 -
Foreign Lands (SATB)
$2.00 -
Goodbye Summer (SATB)
$2.00 -
Have You Seen (SATB)
$2.00 -
Hope (SATB)
$2.00 -
I Remember (SATB)
$2.00 -
I’m Weary Waiting (SATB)
$2.00 -
If All the Skies (SATB)
$2.00 -
In Flanders Field (SATB)
$2.00 -
Madrigal (SATB)
$2.00 -
Midnight Clear (SATB)
$2.00 -
Mr. Nobody (SATB)
$2.00 -
Music Ev’rywhere (SATB)
$2.00 -
My Doves (SATB)
$2.00 -
My Shadow (SATB)
$2.00 -
Night (SATB)
$2.00 -
Norse Lullaby (SATB)
$2.00 -
O Mistress Mine (SATB)
$2.00 -
Oh, El Paso (SATB)
$2.00 -
Our Hero (SATB)
$2.25 -
September (SATB)
$2.00 -
Star Thought (SATB)
$2.00 -
Still (SATB Level 5)
$2.00 -
The Ferryman (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Frost King (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Journey (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Land of Nod (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Rain Falls (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Rose (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Rose (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Sky is Low (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Snow-Man (SATB)
$2.00 -
The Swing (SATB Level 1)
$2.00 -
The Tyger (SATB)
$2.00 -
To Phoebe (SATB)
$2.00 -
Up Hill (SATB)
$2.00 -
Ye Flowery Banks (SATB)
Treble Choir
A Blessing (SA)
$2.00 -
A Blessing (SSA)
$2.00 -
A Dream (SSA)
$2.00 -
A Song of Dawn (SSA)
$2.00 -
After Storm (SA)
$2.00 -
After Storm (SSA)
$2.00 -
Antigonish (SSA)
$2.00 -
April Song (SA)
$2.00 -
April Song (SSA)
$2.00 -
Differences (SA)
$2.00 -
Down the Open Road (SA)
$2.00 -
Down the Open Road (SSA)
$2.00 -
Dust (SSA)
$2.00 -
Early Spring (SSA)
$2.00 -
February Twilight (SSA)
$2.00 -
Friends (SA)
$2.00 -
Friends (SSA)
$2.00 -
From Heaven Above (SSA)
$2.00 -
Give Me More Love (SA)
$2.00 -
Give Me More Love (SSA)
$2.00 -
Golden Slumbers (SSA)
$2.00 -
Goodbye, My Friend (SA)
$2.00 -
Goodbye, My Friend (SSA)
$2.00 -
Gray Eyes (SSA)
$2.00 -
Green Grass (SA)
$2.00 -
Green Grass (SSA)
$2.00 -
Hope (SA Level 2)
$2.00 -
Hope (SSA Level 2)
$2.00 -
In the Train (SA)
$2.00 -
In the Train (SSA)
$2.00 -
Longing (SSA)
$2.00 -
Love is a Sickness (SSA)
$2.00 -
Lullaby (SSA)
$2.00 -
Mary’s Lamb (SSA)
$2.00 -
Mischief (SA Level 1)
$2.00 -
Mischief (SSA Level 1)
$2.00 -
My Lullaby (SA)
$2.00 -
My Lullaby (SSA)
$2.00 -
Night (SSA)
$2.00 -
On the Beach (S(A))
$2.00 -
Our Little Ghost (SA)
$2.00 -
Our Little Ghost (SSA)
$2.25 -
Ribbon Dance (SSA)
$2.00 -
Singing (SA)
$2.00 -
Singing (SSA)
$2.00 -
Sleep Little Baby (SA)
$2.00 -
Sleep Little Baby (SSA)
$2.00 -
Snow Song (SA)
$2.00 -
Snow Song (SSA)
$2.00 -
Solstice (SA)
$2.00 -
Solstice (SSA)
$2.00 -
Song of Life (SA)
$2.00 -
Song of Life (SSA)
$2.25 -
Songs of Love (SA)
$2.00 -
Songs of Love (SSA)
$2.00 -
Songs of Love (SSA)
$2.00 -
Sunset (SSA)
$2.00 -
Sweet Day (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Crescent Moon (SA)
$2.00 -
The Crescent Moon (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Dustman (SA)
$2.00 -
The Dustman (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Elephant (SA)
$2.00 -
The Elephant (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Flower (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Lace Pedlar (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Little Land (SA)
$2.00 -
The Little Land (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Microbe (SA)
$2.00 -
The Microbe (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Moon (SSA)
$2.00 -
The Mystery (SA)
Tenor-Bass Choir
A Good Boy (TB)
$2.00 -
A Good Boy (TTB)
$2.00 -
A Red Rose (TB)
$2.00 -
A Red Rose (TTB)
$2.00 -
A Red, Red Rose (TBB)
$2.00 -
Abide With Me (TBB)
$2.00 -
Band of Brothers (TB)
$2.00 -
Band of Brothers (TTB)
$2.00 -
Beautiful Dreamer (TBB)
$2.00 -
Bonnie Doon (TBB)
$2.00 -
By Parcels Post (TB)
$2.00 -
By Parcels Post (TTB)
$2.00 -
Can of Grog (TB)
$2.00 -
Can of Grog (TTB)
$2.00 -
Captain! Captain! (TB)
$2.00 -
Captain! Captain! (TTB)
$2.00 -
Concord Hymn (TBB)
$2.00 -
Crossing the Bar (TBB)
$2.00 -
Dear Old London (TB)
$2.00 -
Dear Old London (TBB)
$2.25 -
Differences (TB)
$2.00 -
Evening Star (TBB)
$2.00 -
Freshening Breeze (TB)
$2.00 -
Freshening Breeze (TBB)
$2.00 -
Freshening Breeze (TTB)
$2.00 -
Lucy Gray (TBB)
$2.00 -
Master of Music (TB)
$2.00 -
Master of Music (TBB)
$2.00 -
Master of Music (TTB)
$2.00 -
My Kingdom (TB)
$2.00 -
My Kingdom (TBB)
$2.25 -
November (TB)
$2.00 -
November (TBB)
$2.00 -
Our Nation (TB)
$2.00 -
Our Nation (TBB)
$2.00 -
Our Nation (TTB)
$2.00 -
Peace (TBB)
$2.00 -
Sail On, Sail On (TB)
$2.00 -
Sail On, Sail On (TBB)
$2.00 -
Sail On, Sail On (TTB)
$2.00 -
Sea Fever (TB)
$2.00 -
Sea Fever (TBB)
$2.00 -
Sea Fever (TTB)
$2.00 -
Seasons (TB)
$2.00 -
Seasons (TTB)
$2.00 -
She Walks in Beauty (TB)
$2.00 -
Song to Celia (TBB)
$2.00 -
Storm Music (TBB)
$2.00 -
Sunset (T(B))
$2.00 -
Sweet Afton (TB)
$2.00 -
Sweet Afton (TTB)
$2.00 -
Take a Deep Breath (TB)
$2.00 -
Take a Deep Breath (TBB)
$2.00 -
Take a Deep Breath (TTB)
$2.00 -
The Bluebell (TB)
$2.00 -
The Bluebell (TTB)
$2.00 -
The Prairies (TB)
$2.00 -
The Prairies (TBB)
$2.00 -
The Prairies (TTB)
$2.00 -
The River (TBB)
$2.00 -
The Vagabond (TBB)
$2.00 -
There Is a Lady (TBB)
$2.00 -